More than a century after its founding, Friendship’s library hopes to expand with the construction of a new addition. The library’s trustees have developed a plan to complete the expansion with the help of local volunteers and donations from library patrons and town residents.
Please help us reach our goal of $500,000.
Donate now to build the library addition! All gifts are tax deductible. Checks should be made out to the “Town of Friendship Library Account” and brought to Kathy at the town office, who will also issue a letter of receipt for tax purposes.
Our own local timber frame carpenter and town historian, Gary Baird, has donated all proceeds from the sale of his 2022 book, The Early History of Morse Island, toward the library addition project. Cost is $25 shipped to any address in the US or $20 if picked up from the library. Call or contact us through this website to get your own copy.
Library Hours
Summer (June through September)
Mondays : 6pm - 8pm
Wednesdays : 2pm - 8pm
Fridays : 1pm - 4pm
Saturdays : 9am - noon
Winter (October through May)
Wednesdays : 2pm - 7pm
Saturdays : 9am - noon
3 Main Street
PO Box 39
Friendship, Maine, 04547
Contact Us
(207) 832-5332